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Create Order (AWB)

The endpoint you can use to request the creation of an order, either for pickup or drop-off, through KiriminAja.

[POST] /api/mitra/v5/request_pickup

Diclaimer: There are separate APIs for Pos Indonesia, RPX, and Paxel services. Please contact our technical team for more information.


Here is the translation of the table to English:

addressstring(min:10,max:200)falseFull address
phonestring(min:9,max:13)falsePhone number using the 0 digit format
namestring(min:1,max:50)falseName of the package sender
zipcodestring(max:5)trueSender's postal code
kecamatan_idintegerfalseSender's district ID
kelurahan_idintegerfalseSender's subdistrict ID (used when you want to use an expedition that supports the sub-district)
latitudenumerictruePickup coordinates, required for Lion and Pos Indonesia services
longitudenumerictruePickup coordinates, required for Lion and Pos Indonesia services
packagesarray(min:1 object)falseSee the following package list structure
schedulestringfalseYour parcel ready estimation time. See Schedule. Fill with any time if your all parcel is drop-off
platform_namestringtrueYour application name when receiving notifications, default is mitra

Packages Object

Here is the translation of the table to English:

order_idstring(max:20)falseOrder ID, must have a string prefix
destination_namestring(max:50)falseRecipient's name
destination_phonestring(max:15)falsePhone number starting with the digit 0
destination_addressstring(min:10,max:200)falseRecipient's address, minimum 10 characters to avoid Bad Address pickup
destination_kecamatan_idintfalseRecipient's district ID
destination_kelurahan_idintfalseRecipient's subdistrict ID (used when you want to use an expedition that supports the sub-district)
weightint(min:1)falsePackage weight in grams
qtyinttrueNumber of items in the package, defaults to 1 if empty
item_valueint(min:1000)falseTotal value of the items
shipping_costintfalseShipping cost, see # Shipping Price section
servicestringfalseSee shipping price for this
insurance_amountnumerictrueSee Terms & Conditions
service_typestringfalseThe service type, like EZ, REG, CTC, OKE, etc. (see shipping price section)
codintfalseCOD PRICE NB: Enter 0 for non-COD packages
package_type_idintfalseAvailable package type, currently 7 or can check at this link
item_namestring(max:255)falsePackage contents
dropbooltrueDROP-OFF / CASHLESS
notestring(max:50)trueSpecial instructions

Insurance & COD NB

The values for add_cost and insurance_amount are calculated according to the agreements established before the API integration process with us.

For faster pickup requests, we only verify the shipping costs at the time of driver validation rather than through the API.

percentage (from T&A)According to 3pl (See Terms & Conditions)
insurance_amountitem_value * percentage and rounded up to 100

COD Fee Calculation

cod_fee (from T&A)See Terms & Conditions
add_costtotal * cod_fee and rounded up to 1 (ex : 1000,27 to 1001)
codtotal + cod_fee


"address" : "Jl. Jodipati No.29 Perum Taman Kencana Sejahtera",
"phone" : "0813334546789",
"kecamatan_id": 548,
"kelurahan_id" : 31487,
"packages" : [
"order_id": "YGL-000000019",
"destination_name": "Flag Test",
"destination_phone": "082223323333",
"destination_address": "Jl. Magelang KM 11",
"destination_kecamatan_id": 548,
"destination_kelurahan_id": 31483,
"destination_zipcode": 55598,
"weight": 520,
"width": 8,
"height": 8,
"length": 8,
"item_value": 275000,
"shipping_cost": 65000,
"service": "posindonesia",
"service_type": "901979",
"item_name": "TEST Item name",
"package_type_id": 7,
"cod": 100000

"name" : "Tokotries",
"zipcode" : "55598",
"schedule" : "2021-11-30 22:00:00"


"status": true,
"text": "Request pickup berhasil",
"method": "request_pickup",
"payment_status": "paid",
"qr_url": "00020101021226570011ID.DANA.xxxxxxxx",
"payment_status": "unpaid",
"details": [
"order_id": "DEV-000000018",
"kj_order_id": "DEV-000000018",
"awb": null,
"service": "posindonesia",
"service_type": "901979"
"pickup_number": "XID-7850941654"
payment_statusEnumpending, paid
detailsArray of ObjectPickup request packages list
pickup_numberStringPickup Number / Payment ID