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Tracking (Pull)

Tracking information is obtained from KiriminAja and the courier service, then consolidated into one dataset.

[POST] /api/mitra/tracking



order_idstring(max:20)falseOrder ID or AWB of your parcels
"order_id": "OID-8793949106"


"status": true,
"text": "Delivered to BAGUS | 14-07-2021 16:00 | YOGYAKARTA ",
"method": "shTracking",
"status_code": 200,
"details": {
"awb": "DEVEL-000000004",
"signature_code": "C1OJWQAG",
"sorting_code": "JOG-JOG1000-JKT2020",
"order_id": "OID-8793949106",
"status_code": null,
"estimation": "-",
"service": "jne",
"service_name": "REG",
"drop": false,
"shipped_at": "2021-07-13 17:44:04",
"delivered": true,
"delivered_at": "2021-10-17 16:53:00",
"refunded": false,
"refunded_at": "",
"images": {
"camera_img": "||1411922100004643.jpeg",
"signature_img": "||1411922100004643.jpeg",
"pop_img": null
"costs": {
"add_cost": 0,
"currency": "IDR",
"cod": 0,
"insurance_amount": 0,
"insurance_percent": 0,
"discount_amount": 0,
"subsidi_amount": 0,
"shipping_cost": 10000,
"correction": 0
"origin": {
"name": "KiriminAja",
"address": "Jl. Utara Stadion No.8, Jetis, Wedomartani",
"phone": "628000000",
"city": "Kabupaten Sleman",
"zip_code": "55283"
"destination": {
"name": "Zainal Arifin",
"address": "Ngaglik RT. 32 Pendowoharjo Sewon Bantul Yogyakarta 55185",
"phone": "6287839087416",
"city": "Kabupaten Bantul",
"zip_code": "55715"
"histories": [
"created_at": "2021-07-14 16:00:00",
"status": "Delivered to BAGUS | 14-07-2021 16:00 | YOGYAKARTA ",
"status_code": 200,
"driver": "",
"receiver": "BAGUS"
"created_at": "2021-07-14 09:53:00",
"status": "With delivery courier YOGYAKARTA",
"status_code": 100,
"driver": "",
"receiver": ""
"created_at": "2021-07-14 00:02:00",
"status": "Received at inbound station YOGYAKARTA - KP. GAMBIRAN",
"status_code": 100,
"driver": "",
"receiver": ""
"created_at": "2021-07-13 20:44:00",
"status": "Shipment forwarded to destination YOGYAKARTA - KP. GAMBIRAN",
"status_code": 100,
"driver": "",
"receiver": ""
"created_at": "2021-07-13 18:34:00",
"status": "Received at sorting center YOGYAKARTA",
"status_code": 100,
"driver": "",
"receiver": ""
"created_at": "2021-07-13 17:44:00",
"status": "Shipment received by jne counter officer at YOGYAKARTA",
"status_code": 100,
"driver": "",
"receiver": ""
"status": "Paket dibuat oleh KiriminAja",
"status_code": 100,
"created_at": "2021-07-07 14:40:42",
"driver": "",
"receiver": ""
statusbooleanResponse status
texttextResponse message
status_codenumberPackage status
detailsobjectThe details
details.awbstringAwb code, will be null if not processed yet
details.signature_codestringDelivery signature code
details.sorting_codestringDelivery sorting code, some 3pl
details.order_idstringParcel order id
details.estimationstringParcel etd, for example 3-4
details.servicestringProduct type, like jne,jnt
details.service_namestringProduct type, like REG,YES, or EZ
details.shipped_attimestampYour parcel delivery date (if already manifest by 3pl). Nullable
details.deliveredbooleanIndicates if your package is delivered to recipient
details.delivered_attimestampYour parcel arrival date (if already received to recipient). Nullable
details.refundedbooleanIndicates if your package is returned to sender
details.refunded_attimestampYour parcel arrival date (if already returned to sender). Nullable
details.images.camera_imgstringProof of delivery on shipment when delivered
details.images.signature_imgstringProof of delivery (courier signature) on shipment when delivered
details.images.pop_imgstringProof of delivery (courier signature) on shipment when delivered


add_costnumberValidated COD Fee
currencystringCurrency config, default is IDR
codnumberCOD Amount, if 0 mean your shipment is non-cod delivery
insurance_amountnumberValidated insurance amount
insurance_percentnumberValidated insurance percent (principal)
discount_amountnumberValidated discount amount
subsidi_amountnumberShipment cover cost (principal)
shipping_costnumberActual shipping cost
correctionnumberCorrection cost

details.origin & details.destination

addressstringDelivery address detail
citystringCity name


created_attimestampHistories time
statustextDelivery remarks, free text by 3pl
status_codenumberMapped status_code by KiriminAja
driverstringDriver name
receiverstringReceiver name

histories.status (Status)

  1. New
    Package still pending to process by 3pl, like just created by client
  2. Transit
    The package still processed by 3PL, and will shipped according to SLA
  3. Attempt
    The package can't be delivered to destination due some reasons.
  4. Final
    The package delivery is stopped
100The package is in the process of being shippedTransit
101The package has just been created or is in the queue waiting for pickupNew
105The package is waiting for shipping and waiting to get the AWBNew
152The package is in a re-delivery attempt to the recipientRe-attempt
200The package has arrived at its destinationFinal
300The package was canceled by the system or upon requestFinal
500The package is experiencing delivery issues (undelivered)Re-attempt
555The package was seized by customs and cannot continue shippingFinal
401The package is in the process of being returned to the sender (return to origin)Transit
402The returned package has arrived at the senderFinal
400The returned package has been successfully returnedFinal
701The package was lost in transitTransit
702The package was damaged in transitTransit
703The claim for the lost package has been completedFinal
704The claim for the damaged package has been completedFinal